Interview With Blockchain Intelligence Group’s CEO Lance Morginn on The Power of Real-Time Risk Mitigation In Crypto

Blockchain Intelligence Group | Crypto Investigations Platform


Welcome Lance Morginn , the CEO and Co-Founder of Blockchain Intelligence Group (BIG). Lance tell us about yourself, and how you got involved in Crypto.


I began my technology career in 1994, studying multimedia at the Vancouver Film School. I launched my first company called Webworks Multimedia, just 30 days after graduating in December of 1995. Within 90 days after launch, I had landed a $1.5 million contract to build a virtual reality world where users interacted with products to drive sales.

While I was with Webworks, I was also running the first B2C ISP that was fiber optically connected to the US. The VR world contract lasted nearly two years, at which point I partnered with one of my hosting clients to turn his direct marketing company into a technology incubator. Some of your readers might remember the US company CMGI. Well, we were the Canadian version of that company. We grew it from 16 people when I joined, to 120 before the dot-com crash. It was during my time at that company that I met my current partner Shone Anstey and his cousin Marty. At the time, they were building a search engine and much of what they learned has assisted us in building the search and analytics engine we have today for cryptocurrencies. I’d been watching Bitcoin after the Mt. Gox hack and was thinking of buying in around $163. So when Shone reached out to me in 2014 and said he needed help creating a company in this new emerging technology, I knew it was the right opportunity for me.


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