Powerful Investigative Software for Clear Crypto Tracing
QLUE Crypto Investigations Tool – is cryptocurrency investigative software backed by extensive attribution data using open source data, in-house proprietary algorithms and advanced heuristics to power cryptocurrency investigations with ease and clarity.
Since 2015, we have empowered law enforcement, government agencies and professional investigators to trace cryptocurrency and prepare compelling evidence for court.
Designed by Investigators for Investigators
Our blockchain intelligence ecosystem was developed by government investigators and financial compliance experts. We understand your challenges and designed tracking software to specifically meet the needs of investigators, law enforcement and government agencies.
Trusted by:
Presentable in Court
Stringent KYC verification policies and a deterministic approach to attribution labeling ensure data is presentable in court.
Competitively Priced Options
Pay for features you need, with different plans available to suit different requirements and budgets.
Easy to Use
Start investigating suspicious transactions with our cryptocurrency AML software, guided by tutorials or support from your Customer Success Manager.
Save Time
Start investigating immediately and close cases faster.
What Sets Us Apart
Easy to Use Graphing Tools
Powerful multi-chain graphing engine backed with real blockchain data, designed for ease of use with consultation from experienced law enforcement investigators.
Graph Customization
Present your graph in court with customized graph elements
Transaction-based Blockchain Data
Follow individual transaction details with ease.
Case Management System
Share and collaborate with others in your organization.
Cross-chain graphing
Track Cross-chain transfers with ease using our Extended view.
Advanced Filtering Capabilities
Filter transactions by direction, crypto value, counterparty, block and time.
Automated Investigation Agent
Supplement manual tracking with our proprietary Automated Investigation Agent. (Currently in Beta)
Advanced Demixing Tools
A collection of tools to find potential demixed outputs from Bitcoin mixers. (Coming Soon)
What Our Clients Say About Us
Jonathan Dupont
"I have been using QLUE for over three years. I love how simple and straightforward the tool is for following money, especially compared to some other blockchain tracing tools. This is my go-to platform whenever I need to quickly trace assets or investigate certain types of criminal typologies."
Keven Hendricks
"I have been utilizing QLUE in my cryptocurrency investigations for three years. The capabilities of the platform and support for multiple chains and tokens have been essential in furthering many of my investigations. Specifically, QLUE's support of Litecoin has been immeasurably helpful. I highly recommend QLUE to anyone who has to take on cryptocurrency investigations."
Jesse Gossman
"QLUE is an excellent crypto tool."
UN - Global Programme against Money Laundering, Proceeds of Crime and the Financing of Terrorism (GPML), Cybercrime and Anti-Money Laundering Section (CMLS), United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
We use QLUE daily to trace and chart complex crypto investigations. Blockchain Intelligence Group delivers an indispensable tool in the fight against crypto crime and continues to iterate their product based on user feedback and changes in the industry at large.
First Corporal Juan Atilio López Palazzo
"The experience of using the QLUE is smooth and intuitive, aiding investigators in various areas. The search for entities, such as cryptocurrency exchanges, is quick and allows for the efficient identification of key individuals within the investigated networks. Additionally, the ability to graph relationships between different cryptocurrency wallets stands out, as it provides a clear and accurate visualization of the flow of funds between various addresses. ”
Jesse Gossman
"QLUE not only provides crucial data to identify criminal networks and exchanges necessary to investigate crypto crimes, but structures blockchain data in a way that is easily understandable and shareable. The graphing capabilities can simplify complex asset flows for end users that may otherwise be intimidated by crypto transactions."
Thor Pedersen
“In two instances so far, we've brought forensic evidence to court using QLUE, and I've successfully managed to obtain what we call a preservation order granted by the court based on my forensic report in the QLUE outputs. This is a first in South African case law. What that means is that all future blockchain-related cases where funds are to be seized will reference this case. In both instances, the court granted the order based on the QLUE outputs.”
Jesse Gossman
"Using QLUE takes much of the mystery and complexity out of crypto investigations. It can do in minutes which would otherwise take days; saving time and money."
Tony Moore
"The world of cryptocurrency is rapidly evolving and so are crypto-crimes. In just a short time, I’ve handled multiple smart contract compromises and NFTs thefts, which are now quickly becoming the norm. To date, there was no graphical analytics tool that could help trace an NFT case from point of theft to the subsequent sale and liquidation of proceeds all on one graph. With true NFT tracing, Blockchain Intelligence Group solves that problem. The ability to trace multiple cryptocurrencies, ERC-20 and now ERC-721 tokens all on one graph is a game changer for an investigator."
Ready to Start Investigating?
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