Blockchain Intelligence Group: If people want crypto growth, work with investigators

Blockchain Intelligence Group | Crypto Investigations Platform

“The end is nigh…for scammers

One of the main things exit scammers exploit is the fact that even with regulations in place, it would be hard for authorities to prove wrongdoing from the founders’ part. They could easily say “we got hacked,” and get off unscathed.

So how can we put an end to this, pinpoint fraudulent activity, and hold those responsible accountable for their actions?

Blockchain Intelligence Group, a company developing tools for policing the crypto market, is working towards bringing security and—most importantly—accountability to cryptocurrency companies and users.

Shone Anstey, president and co-founder of Blockchain Intelligence Group, said there are ways to close in on scammers. And they have the tools to do so.”

‘It is true that fraudulent individuals can easily register a company, make a website and release what seems to be an official-looking paper, convincing investors and consumers that this is legitimate – even after they participate in an exit scam. Though, better coordination between authorities such as regulators, law enforcement agencies, banks and large online retailers will go a long way in resolving current difficulties.'”

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