The Tool You Need To Solve Crypto Crimes Faster

QLUE™ is the best-in-class blockchain visualization engine that helps investigators track and trace illicit activity involving cryptocurrency. QLUE™ simplifies cases and reduces time spent on crypto investigations from weeks to minutes.
# Court cases won using our
blockchain evidence
# Global professionals trained
in crypto investigations
1 s
$ Money recovered and fines
avoided for clients
1 M+

“What you just did in 2 minutes with your software took me 3 hours.”

US Postal Service Inspector, Seattle, Wash.

Court Cases

Hong Kong 2018

Blockchain Intelligence Group presented sworn evidence gathered in QLUE™ on behalf of a crypto-cold wallet device user that lost 1000 BTC. The case is ongoing and identifying information is withheld.

USA 2019

Texas state court used QLUE™ evidence to successfully help the defendant keep control of their ETH. The case is ongoing and identifying data is withheld.


A headline-grabbing divorce case in Norway included a battle over NOK 140MM (US $14MM). The verdict was delivered on July 7, 2022.  QLUE™ helped win the case on all points. A headline-grabbing divorce case in Norway included a battle over NOK 140MM (US $14MM). The verdict was delivered on July 7, 2022.

USA 2019

Florida federal court case used QLUE™ evidence and saved a well-known crypto exchange approximately US $8MM in fines. The case is ongoing; identifying data is withheld.

South Africa 2022

Evidence gathered in QLUE™ was used to set case law regarding freezing crypto assets in S. Africa in the fall of 2022. In two cases, the court used QLUE™ evidence to issue preservation orders that proved crypto assets belonged to the defendants. Investigators first traced the BTC assets taken from X company. The report was presented to the court requesting that the court provides the liquidators and legal team with the preservation order whereby crypto assets are frozen to allow the judicial process to unfold.


Kyeson Utley

Certified Ethical Hacker, The Aracari Project

By adding QLUE to our investigations, and leveraging our tailored intelligence tactics, not only were we able to locate a wallet address totaling near $1 million of stolen digital assets from a complex romance scam & fraudulent exchange platform; we were able to identify the country of origin, and the true identity of the bad actor involved. Once determined, we were able to negotiate with the bad actor directly to have their platform taken down and the safe return of our client’s funds immediately. QLUE is absolutely vital to our blockchain investigations, & we are proud to use them exclusively.

Thor Pedersen

Fraud Investigator, TCG Forensics

In two instances so far we’ve brought forensic evidence to the court using QLUE™ and I’ve successfully managed to get what we call a preservation order granted by the court based on my forensic report in the QLUE outputs, and that’s a first in South African case law. So, what that means is all future cases that are blockchain related where there are funds to be seized will then reference that case. In both instances, the court granted the order based on the QLUE outputs.


Clear Images & Comprehensive Reports

Build a strong case with clear visuals and granular transaction-based attribution data. Follow the movement of cryptocurrency on our two powerful graphing engines from address to address. Share results with your team or export data in high-resolution formats to share in court.

The Best Visualization Engine

Trace transactions across blockchains using intuitive and detailed visual cues. QLUE™ tracks 100’s of thousands of digital assets including BTC, ETH, ADA, ERC-20 tokens, and more.

Cross-Chain Investigations

Does your case involve multiple cryptocurrencies? Leverage our intuitive graphing solutions to trace cryptocurrencies/and NFTs across blockchains, build custom clusters, and add notes to clearly present your findings.

Get the Support You Need

As a QLUE user, you will receive comprehensive onboarding training and ongoing support. Your dedicated Customer Success Manager is available as a resource whenever you need. We will never bill you for support.

Seamlessly Trace ERC20 Tokens and Token swaps

Search, filter through, and trace approximately 500,000 tokens in the ERC-20 token explorer. The user-friendly interface allows you to follow the flow of ETH, NFT’s or ERC20 tokens. It does this through decentralized exchanges, swaps, and wallets, using the industry's leading graphing engine.

24/7 Watch

Create alert profiles for individual addresses or groups of addresses and receive email notifications when transactions occur that fit your criteria. Add an address to one of your profile groups and get notifications when it interacts with a high-risk counterparty. Monitor funds sitting in an address that hasn’t moved in a long time and get a notification as soon as a transaction occurs.

World’s First NFT Explorer

Search through approximately 120,000 ERC721 tokens in our NFT Explorer. Observe detailed information for each NFT, including the name, description, picture, token ID, token owner, history and other attributes.
See the associated transactions and transaction details for a specific NFT and graph it for more context. Find information about online transactions and activities that may be linked to illegal activity.

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