Germany: Biggest Cryptocurrency Crackdown In State, Authorities Seize Nearly $2.17 Billion In Bitcoin

In mid-January 2024, the General Prosecutor’s Office in Dresden, the State Criminal Police Office of Saxony, and the Tax Investigation Unit of the Leipzig II Tax Office, known as the Integrated Investigation Unit of Saxony (INES), jointly seized nearly 50,000 Bitcoins (approximately $2.17 billion) in Saxony.

The investigation received support from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), the FBI, and a Munich-based forensic IT expert firm.

This marks the most extensive confiscation of Bitcoins by German law enforcement to date. The cryptocurrency was secured through the voluntary transfer by a suspect to official wallets provided by the BKA. The final decision on the use of the seized Bitcoins is pending.

The primary targets are two individuals (a 40-year-old German male; and a 37-year-old Polish male) linked to a German piracy portal that operated until May 2013. They allegedly acquired Bitcoins from their illicit activities, including unauthorized exploitation of copyrighted works and subsequent money laundering.

In crime at scale, blockchain analytics tools are crucial in investigations. They help trace funds on the blockchain and navigate the most complex chains of transactions, making it easier for law enforcement to trace suspicious activities to off-ramps. These tools enhance the ability to track digital assets linked to illegal activities. Using blockchain analytics, authorities can identify and apprehend those involved in financial wrongdoing. 

QLUE™ graph visualizing the transaction delivering Bitcoins to the German police office

In the above graph, we use the power of QLUE™, the leading blockchain analytics tool developed by Blockchain Intelligence Group, to demonstrate the movement of Bitcoins into one of the official wallets provided by the BKA. 

This $2 billion seizure underscores the significant role played by the German Police in understanding and incorporating cryptocurrency into investigative strategies. It reflects the evolving role of law enforcement, showcasing adaptability to emerging cryptocurrency crime trends. Effective use of crypto insights weaponizes the pseudonymous nature of cryptocurrency and turns public information into leads on illicit actors. 

The broader implications of this seizure extend beyond the immediate case. It is a compelling case study for other law enforcement agencies globally, showcasing effective strategies for combating cryptocurrency-related crimes.

Learn more about the role of QLUE™ in combatting cryptocurrency-related crimes at

Written By: Omar Marzouk
Writer, Content marketing at Blockchain Intelligence Group

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